I never thought you wanted this life Waking up in a train to nowhere with me Chasing clouds and hoping they'd fall down around us But it was no dream you really wanted to ride with me
(chorus) Railroad tracks, they got us here Railroad tracks, they'll drive us forth Railroad tracks, they'll take us home Home where we'll be together
I never thought one cabin is just enough Enough to carry us through this life A life you want to spend together But you looked at me and said... I really want to ride with you
(chorus) Railroad tracks, they got us here Railroad tracks, they'll drive us forth Railroad tracks, they'll take us home Home where we'll be together
(chorus) Railroad tracks, they got us here Railroad tracks, they'll drive us forth Railroad tracks, they'll take us home Home where we'll be together
(outro) Now that the journey's over... Journey in the midnight express... The railroad loops and we're still not home... Will you take that journey again, again with me...
(chorus) Railroad tracks, they got us here Railroad tracks, they'll drive us forth Railroad tracks, they'll take us home Home where we'll be together
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Inferno Entertainment
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