[Verse] Down on the campus with the moon so bright Frat houses rocking on a Friday night Cups in the air and the laughter loud We own the night we're a crazy crowd
[Verse 2] DJ spins the hits that make us move Dancing wild like we got nothing to lose Lights flashing in the crowded room Hands in the air like we're touching the moon
[Chorus] It's a wild night at UL-SA Parties on the block never fade away Music so loud it makes the ground shake Live for the moment for tomorrow's sake
[Verse 3] Someone's on the roof shouting out a dare Jump into the pool we don't have a care Friends are for life and the memories stay Every wild night at UL-SA
[Bridge] Red Solo cups lined up in a row Tales we will tell wherever we go Laughter echoing through the hallways UL-SA nights we'll remember always
[Chorus] It's a wild night at UL-SA Parties on the block never fade away Music so loud it makes the ground shake Live for the moment for tomorrow's sake
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